School of Medicine Faculty of Nursing Clinical Nursing
Senior Assistant Professor
宮城島 恭子

Last updated: 2024/05/08
Basic information on teaching staff
1994/4/- 聖路加国際病院
1996/4/- 新潟大学
2002/1/- 浜松医科大学
2005/4/- 浜松医科大学
Licenses and qualifications
[1]. 1994/6/1 看護師免許
[2]. 1994/6/1 保健師免許
Research Areas
Life Science - Lifelong developmental nursing
Subject of research
[1]. 小児がん患者・小児がん経験者の支援に関する研究
Research activities
[1]. 子どもと成人混合で外来診療を行う医療職の子どものストレス緩和支援に関する認識―想定事例を用いて―
日本小児看護学会誌 [Volume]33 [Page]97 -105 (2024/) [Reviewed] Yes [DOI]
[2]. The parental involvement process regarding childhood cancer survivors becoming independent: Focus on balancing health management and social lives from adolescence to adulthood
Japan Journal of Nursing Science Japan Academiy of Nursing Science [Page]e12572 (2023/) [Reviewed] Yes [DOI]
[3]. The process of becoming independent while balancing health management and social life in adolescent and young adult childhood cancer survivors
Japan Journal of Nursing Science Japan Academiy of Nursing Science [Volume]20 [Issue]3 [Page]e12527 (2023/) [Reviewed] Yes [DOI]
[4]. Examination of the possibility of using picture books with cancer children as the main characters for moral education
椙山女学園大学看護学研究 [Volume]14 [Page]15 -26 (2022/) [Reviewed] Yes
[5]. The actual situation of stress relief support for children in outpatient care in mixed medical departments with both children and adults: comparisons among occupations
Journal of Japanese Spciety of Child Health Nursing [Volume]30 [Page]122 -130 (2021/) [Reviewed] Yes [DOI]
[1]. 2022/4/20 プチナース看護師国試 過去問題集2023 照林社
[2]. 2021/12/20 病期・発達段階の視点でみる 小児看護過程 照林社
[3]. 2021/4/ プチナース看護師国試 過去問題集2022 照林社
[4]. 2021/4/ 母性・小児実習ぜんぶガイド 第2版 照林社
[5]. 2016/3/ おかえり!めいちゃん 白血病とたたかった子どもが学校にもどるまで 改訂版 ふくろう出版
Research presentations
[1]. 2023/7/16 外来診療における子どものストレス緩和支援に関する医療職の認識 -想定事例による検査時の言葉かけの特徴- 日本小児看護学会第33回学術集会
[2]. 2022/12/3 小児がん治療開始時における子どもへの病名告知に関する支援と反応の文献検討 日本看護科学学会第42回学術集会
[3]. 2022/9/28 Investigation of the usefulness of the process model in which childhood cancer survivors become independent while balancing health management and social life 54th Congress of the International Society of Peadiatric Oncology
[4]. 2022/9/28 Investigating the usefulness of the process model in which parents support childhood cancer survivors as they become independent while balancing health management and social life 54th Congress of the International Society of Peadiatric Oncology
[5]. 2021/11/26 The actual condition and subject of using tool for return-to-school support 第19回日本小児がん看護学会学術集会
[1]. 2019/8/20 日本看護研究学会 2018年度奨励賞
Memberships of academic societies
[1]. 2019/1/- International Society of Peadiatric Oncology
[2]. 2012/1/- せいれい看護学会
[3]. 2009/1/- 日本看護研究学会
[4]. 2008/1/- 日本小児保健協会
[5]. 2008/1/- 日本育療学会
Committee Career
[1]. 2023/4/- 2024/3/ せいれい看護学会 評議員会
[2]. 2022/10/- 2023/3/ せいれい看護学会 評議員会
Educational activities
Allotted class
[1]. 小児の発達と看護
[2]. 小児看護援助各論
[3]. 小児看護援助総論
[4]. 小児看護学実習
[5]. 統合看護(小児看護)
Social activities
Social Contribution
[1]. 2023/11/- 2024/3/ 第4回小児・AYA世代がんピアサポートサミット@zoom
[2]. 2023/11/- 2023/11/ 病弱児・障害児及びきょうだい支援のあり方と課題
[3]. 2023/10/- 2023/10/ 看護の役割と可能性を知ろう! -進路選択と自己同一性の獲得へ向けて-
[4]. 2023/10/- 2023/10/ 育児相談
[5]. 2023/10/- 2023/10/ 子育てを楽しむために -子どものからだとこころの健康-