School of Medicine Faculty of Medicine Organ & Tissue Anatomy
Assistant Professor
三河 須美子

Last updated: 2024/04/21
Basic information on teaching staff
1987/4/- 岩手医科大学
1992/7/- 理化学研究所
1998/4/- 理化学研究所
2002/1/- 東京医科歯科大学
2002/10/- 浜松医科大学
2007/4/1- 浜松医科大学
Research Areas
Life Science - Anatomy and histopathology of nervous system
Research keywords
BMP signaling
Subject of research
[1]. 脳神経組織における骨形成因子に関する研究
[2]. 小脳におけるシナプスの可塑性に関する研究
[3]. Distribution of ACE2 expression in the rat nervous system
Research Projects (Competitive Research Funds)
[1]. ADAM10を治療標的とする統合失調症の発症予防・遅延医療技術の創出
Research activities
[1]. BMP10 expression in the adult rat central nervous system
J Chem Neuroanat ELSEVIER [Volume]121 [Page]102084 (2022/) [Reviewed] Yes [DOI]
[2]. BMP9 expression in the adult rat brain
J Chem Neuroanat ELSEVIER [Volume]113 [Page]101933 (2021/) [Reviewed] Yes
[3]. Decreased Proliferation in the Neurogenic Niche, Disorganized Neuroblast Migration, and Increased Oligodendrogenesis in Adult Netrin-5-Deficient Mice
Front Neurosci [Volume]14 [Page]e570974 (2020/) [Reviewed] Yes
[4]. Ghrelin signaling attenuates the inflammatory activation of neuroimmunes system in senescence
J Brain Sci [Volume]49 [Page]63 -84 (2020/) [Reviewed] Yes
[5]. Follistatin expression in the central nervous system of the adult rat
J Chem Neuroanat Elsevier [Volume]105 [Page]e101753 (2020/) [Reviewed] Yes
Memberships of academic societies
[1]. 1991/9/1- 神経科学学会
Educational activities
Allotted class
[1]. 解剖学総論
[2]. 組織学実習
[3]. 組織学実習
[4]. 解剖学実習
[5]. 神経解剖学実習
Social activities
Social Contribution
[1]. 2019/6/17- 2019/6/19 医療系専門学校生に対する解剖実習見学の実施