教育研究施設 子どものこころの発達研究センター
モハメッド ショフイウール ラハマン
Md. Shafiur Rahman

e-mail:srahman@@@hama-med.ac.jp (※"@@@"を"@"に置き換えて下さい)

更新日: 2024/05/09
2010年7月 卒業 University of Rajshahi Department of Population Science Faculty of Science
2013年12月 卒業 Islamic University Department of Information and Communication Technology Faculty of Engineering and Technology
2017年3月23日 卒業 東京大学 School of International Health Global Health Policy
2021年4月14日 卒業 東京大学 School of International Health Global Health
Master of Science (Population Science) University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh
Master of Information Technology (Information Technology) Islamic University, Bangladesh
Master of Health Science (International Health) 東京大学
Doctor of Philosophy (Global Health) 東京大学
ライフサイエンス - 衛生学、公衆衛生学分野:実験系を含まない
Child development
Global Health
Universal health coverage
[1]. 2017年4月26日- 2020年3月31日 低所得国における保健医療財政改革およびユニバーサルヘルスカバレッジに向けての進展
[2]. 2021年4月21日- 2024年3月31日 Interaction of genetic risk and early body mass index changes on neurodevelopmental disorders among Japanese children
[1]. Sex Differences in Neurodevelopmental Trajectories in Children with Different Levels of Autistic Traits.
Psychiatry and clinical neurosciences [巻]77 [頁]282 -289 (2023年) [査読] 無 [URL] [DOI]
[2]. Interaction of genetic liability for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and perinatal inflammation contributes to ADHD symptoms in children.
Brain, behavior, & immunity - health [巻]30 [頁]100630 (2023年) [査読] 無 [DOI]
[3]. Effect of perceived eye gaze on the N170 component - A systematic review.
Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews [巻]143 [頁]104913 (2022年) [査読] 有 [DOI]
[4]. Prevalence and factors associated with severe undernutrition among under-5 children in Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Nepal: a comparative study using multilevel analysis.
Scientific reports [巻]13 [号]1 [頁]10183 (2023年) [査読] 無 [DOI]
[5]. Outdoor Play as a Mitigating Factor in the Association Between Screen Time for Young Children and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes
JAMA Pediatrics [巻]177 [号]3 [頁]303 -310 (2023年) [査読] 無 [DOI]
[1]. 2023年11月11日 Screen time for young children and neurodevelopmental outcomes: Hamamatsu Birth Cohort for Mothers and Children (HBC Study) The 18th Congress of Asian Society of Pediatric Research
[2]. 2023年11月5日 乳幼児期スクリーンタイムと神経発達の予後:これまでの知見を振り返る 第45回日本生物学的精神医学会年会
[3]. 2023年9月20日 Is prenatal exposure to per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) associated both with neurodevelopmental delay and neurodevelopmental disorders? The 35th Annual Conference of the International Society of Environmental Epidemiology
[4]. 2023年9月18日 Association between labor epidural analgesia and autistic traits among Japanese children: evidence from Hamamatsu Birth Cohort for Mother and Child. The 35th Annual Conference of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology
[5]. 2023年9月12日 Multidimensional poverty and suspected developmental delay among Bangladeshi children: a comparative assessment of inequality using nationally representative household survey. The 20th Kyungpook-Hamamatsu Joint Medical Symposium
[1]. 2016年2月1日- Japan Epidemiological Association
[1]. Seminar in Epidemiology and Statistics