School of Medicine Faculty of Medicine Legal Medicine
Assistant Professor
山岸 格

Last updated: 2024/05/10
Basic information on teaching staff
2011/7/- 浜松医科大学
Research Areas
Life Science - Forensics medicine
Subject of research
[1]. ヒト血液・尿などの試料中薬毒物の高感度分析法の開発
Research activities
[1]. Quantification of olanzapine and its three metabolites by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry in human body fluids obtained from four deceased, and confirmation of the reduction from olanzapine N-oxide to olanzapine in whole blood in vitro
FORENSIC TOXICOLOGY Springer (2023/) [Reviewed] Yes [DOI]
[2]. Long-term stability of 24 synthetic cannabinoid metabolites spiked into whole blood and urine for up to 168 days, and the comparable study for the 6 metabolites in non-spiked real case specimens stored for 1–5 years
Forensic Toxicology Springer (2022/) [Reviewed] Yes [DOI] [Repository]
[3]. Investigation on toxicological usefulness of synovial fluids, as an alternative matrix: postmortem distribution/redistribution of triazolam and its predominant metabolite α-hydroxytriazolam in human body fluids
Forensic Toxicology Springer (2021/) [Reviewed] Yes [DOI] [Repository]
[4]. A fatal case involved in pyrethroid insecticide ingestion: quantification of tetramethrin and resmethrin in body fluids of a deceased by LC–MS/MS
Forensic Toxicology Springer (2021/) [Reviewed] Yes [DOI]
[5]. Postmortem distribution/redistribution of buformin in body fluids and solid tissues in an autopsy case using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry with QuEChERS extraction method.
Forensic science international [Volume]314 (2020/) [Reviewed] Yes [DOI] [Repository]
Research presentations
[1]. 2022/10/15 Determination of GABA agonist analogue 2-Methoxyqualone in police seized material 第44回日本法医学会学術中部集会集会・第69回 日本法医学会学術近畿地方集会(合同開催)
[2]. 2022/9/9 LC-MS/MSを用いた血液•尿中 24種類の合成カンナビノイド代謝物の同時定量 第47回日本医用マススペクトル年会年会
[3]. 2022/6/25 合成カンナビノイドAB-FUBINACAの肺,肝,腎,尿中代謝物とヘパトサイト代謝物とのLC-MS/MSによる比較分析 第41年会日本法中毒学会
[4]. 2021/10/16 電子タバコ用リキッドの静脈注射によるニコチン中毒死の一例 第43回日本法医学会学術中部集会集会
[5]. 2021/10/4 フマキラー含有ビール摂取者の一剖検例 第105次日本法医学会学術全国集会
Memberships of academic societies
[1]. 日本法医学会
Educational activities
Allotted class
[1]. 法医学
[2]. 法医学
Social activities
Social Contribution
[1]. 2023/4/- 2024/3/ 司法解剖・行政解剖による鑑定業務
[2]. 2022/4/1- 2023/3/31 司法解剖・行政解剖による鑑定業務
[3]. 2021/4/1- 2022/3/31 司法解剖・行政解剖による鑑定業務
[4]. 2020/4/1- 2021/3/31 司法解剖・行政解剖による鑑定業務
[5]. 2019/4/1- 2020/3/31 司法解剖・行政解剖による鑑定業務