医学部附属病院 中央診療施設(支援部門) 卒後教育センター
オオハシ ナロウ
大橋 温

Last updated: 2024/12/17
1996/4/- 1997/5/ 浜松医科大学
1997/6/- 1999/5/ 大森赤十字病院
1999/6/- 2001/5/ 聖隷浜松病院
2001/6/- 2002/3/ 浜松医科大学
2002/4/- 2006/3/ 浜松医科大学
2006/4/- 2007/3/ 浜松医科大学
2007/4/- 2009/6/ 米国チュレーン大学
2009/7/- 2009/8/ 浜松医科大学
2009/9/- 2011/5/ 沼津市立病院
2011/6/- 2016/5/ 浜松医科大学
2016/6/- 2016/6/ 浜松医科大学
2016/7/- 2022/3/ 浜松医科大学
2022/4/- Hamamatsu University School of Medicine Postgraduate Clinical Education Center Associate Professor
Research Areas
Life Science - Nephrology
Research keywords
Intrarenal renin-angiotensin system
Chronic kidney disease
Circadian rhythm
Subject of research
[1]. 腎臓障害における腎臓内レニン-アンジオテンシン系の役割の解明
[2]. 腎線維化におけるTGF-β - Smad経路の役割の解明
Research Projects (Competitive Research Funds)
[1]. Verification of the mechanism of improvement of renal injury due to suppression of RAS in the kidney via the cholinergic anti-inflammatory response pathway by exercise.
[2]. 腎臓内RASの日内変動における肝臓由来AGTの糸球体濾過圧の関与
[3]. ユビキチンリガーゼSmurf2の転写調節メカニズムの解明
[1]. Rationale and design of the Japanese Biomarkers in Nephrotic Syndrome (J-MARINE) study
(2024/) [Reviewed] Yes
[2]. A Rare Case of Sporadic Medullary Cystic Kidney Disease with Rapidly Progressive Renal Dysfunction and Renal Enlargement Complicated by Idiopathic Nodular Glomerulosclerosis.
Internal medicine (Tokyo, Japan) (2024/) [Reviewed] Yes [DOI]
[3]. Anti-contactin 1 Antibody-associated Membranous Nephropathy in Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy with Several Autoantibodies
INTERNAL MEDICINE [Volume]63 [Issue]5 [Page]699 -705 (2024/) [Reviewed] Yes [DOI]
[4]. Decline in Walking Independence and Related Factors in Hospitalization for Dialysis Initiation: A Retrospective Cohort Study.
Journal of clinical medicine [Volume]11 [Issue]21 (2022/) [Reviewed] Yes [DOI]
[5]. Decline in Walking Independence and Related Factors in Hospitalization for Dialysis Initiation: A Retrospective Cohort Study
J Clin Med (2022/) [Reviewed] Yes
[1]. 2022/10/31 HIV関連腎症 日本臨牀社
[2]. 2021/12/ 頻脈性心房細動に対するレートコントロール治療の仕方を教えてください 中外医学社
[3]. 2018/ 透析患者に伴う高リン血症
[4]. 2018/ シスプラチン投与中に出現する低マグネシウム血症
[5]. 2018/ 大酒家にみられる電解質異常
Research presentations
[1]. 2024/3/9 A case of a patient with carcinoma showing membranous proliferative glomerulonephritis-like findings on light microscopy and atypical deposition of fibrillary structures on electron microscopy
[2]. 2023/9/23 A case of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis relapse after repeated renal biopsies for persistently positive urinary protein and decreased renal function after kidney transplantation
[3]. 2023/9/17 Two cases of endovascular treatment (IVR) for early and delayed bleeding after renal biopsy
[4]. 2023/9/16 AKI associated with nephrotic syndrome
[5]. 2023/9/16 50 Valuable Questions in Renal Pathology
[1]. 2012/6/7 第17回 浜松医科大学同窓会学術奨励賞
Memberships of academic societies
[1]. 日本内科学会認定医
[2]. 日本内科学会総合内科専門医
[3]. 日本透析医学会専門医
[4]. 日本透析医学会専門医
[5]. 日本透析医学会指導医
Committee Career
[1]. 2021/- 日本腎臓学会 教育・専門医制度委員会
[2]. 2021/- Japanese Renal Pathology Society 学術評議員
[3]. 2018/6/15- 2020/3/31 日本腎臓学会 教育・専門医制度委員会
Allotted class
[1]. 全身性疾患と腎(1)
[2]. 全身疾患と腎(2)
[3]. 腎疾患の病理
[4]. 糖尿病性腎症
[5]. Systemic diseases and the kidney (1)
Social Contribution
[1]. 2023/12/- Clinical Residency Supervisor Training Course
[2]. 2023/9/28- Toyohashi Internal Medicine Association Workshop (Toyohashi)
[3]. 2023/8/30- Japanese Medical Emergency Care Course
[4]. 2023/8/9- Fujinokuni Virtual Medical College Summer Seminar (Shizuoka)
[5]. 2023/7/15- Welcome Seminar in Shizuoka