Hamamatsu University Hospital Psychiatry
Senior Assistant Professor
和久田 智靖
WAKUDA Tomoyasu

Last updated: 2024/04/21
Basic information on teaching staff
2002/5/- 2002/11/ Hamamatsu University School of Medicine Department of Psychiatry Resident
2002/12/- 2004/5/ Shizuoka Psychiatric Medical Center Medical staff
2004/6/- 2008/3/ Tenno hospital Medical staff
2009/4/- 2009/6/ Hamamatsu University School of Medicine Department of Psychiatry Medical staff
2009/7/- 2016/1/ Hamamatsu University School of Medicine Department of Psychiatry Assistant professor
2016/2/- Hamamatsu University School of Medicine Department of Psychiatry Senior assistant professor
Research Areas
Life Science - Psychiatry
Research keywords
Autism spectrum disorder
molecular psychiatry
Subject of research
[1]. Association between perinatal events and psychiatric disorders
[2]. PET imaging in the pathophysiology of psychiatric disorders
[3]. Neuroinflammation and psychiatric disorders
Research activities
[1]. Oxytocin-induced increases in cytokines and clinical effect on the core social features of autism: Analyses of RCT datasets.
Brain, behavior, and immunity [Volume]118 [Page]398 -407 (2024/) [Reviewed] Yes [DOI]
[2]. Lower Availability of Mitochondrial Complex I in Anterior Cingulate Cortex in Autism: A Positron Emission Tomography Study.
The American journal of psychiatry [Volume]180 [Issue]4 [Page]277 -284 (2023/) [Reviewed] Yes [DOI]
[3]. Extrastriatal dopamine D2/3 receptor binding, functional connectivity, and autism socio-communicational deficits: a PET and fMRI study.
Molecular psychiatry (2022/) [Reviewed] Yes [DOI] [Repository]
[4]. Effect of a novel nasal oxytocin spray with enhanced bioavailability on autism: a randomized trial.
Brain (2022/) [Reviewed] Yes [DOI]
[5]. Successful discontinuation of oxycodone under pramipexole treatment for restless legs syndrome due to withdrawal.
Psychiatry and clinical neurosciences [Volume]75 [Issue]3 [Page]112 -113 (2021/) [Reviewed] Yes [DOI] [Repository]
Memberships of academic societies
[1]. Japanese Society for Prevention and Early Intervention in Psychiatry
[2]. Schizophrenia International Research Society
[3]. The Japanese Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
[4]. Japanese Society of Biological Psychiatry
[5]. Japanese Society of General Hospital Psychiatry
Educational activities
Allotted class
[1]. Schizophrenia
[2]. Early intervention in psychiatric disorders
[3]. Forensic psychiatry
[4]. Consultation-liaison psychiatry
[5]. Psycho-Oncology