[1]. Rare Co-occurrence of Spinal Cord Hemorrhage from Radiation-induced Cavernous Hemangioma and Classical Hodgkin Lymphoma Post-transplant Lymphoproliferative Disorder
Internal Medicine (2024年) [査読] 有
[DOI] [2]. UBL3 Interacts with Alpha-Synuclein in Cells and the Interaction Is Downregulated by the EGFR Pathway Inhibitor Osimertinib
Biomedicines [巻]11 [号]1685 (2023年) [査読] 有
[3]. Endocannabinoid 2-Arachidonoylglycerol Levels in the Anterior Cingulate Cortex, Caudate Putamen, Nucleus Accumbens, and Piriform Cortex Were Upregulated by Chronic Restraint Stress.
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[4]. Coenzyme Q10 in the eye isomerizes by sunlight irradiation.
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[5]. 腰仙髄神経根腫大があるも診断に苦慮し第2仙髄神経根生検で診断に至った神経リンパ腫症の56歳男性例
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