[1]. 【COVID-19パンデミック後の医学・医療者教育】学生用ポケットエコー16台による超音波教育の成果と課題
医学教育 (一社)日本医学教育学会 [Volume]54 [Issue]6 [Page]628 -628-630 (2023/) [Reviewed] Yes
[DOI] [2]. 【プライマリケア医に必要な情報をまるっと整理 くすりの使い方便利帳】(第6章)代謝系に作用する薬剤 甲状腺疾患治療薬 甲状腺ホルモン製剤
内科 (株)南江堂 [Volume]131 [Issue]4 [Page]901 -904 (2023/) [Reviewed] No
[DOI] [3]. Falsely elevated thyroid hormone levels associated with fibrin interference in patients receiving oral anticoagulant therapy.
Ann Clin Biochem (2023/) [Reviewed] Yes
[4]. Role of thyroid hormone in an experimental model of atherosclerosis: the potential mediating role of immune response and autophagy.
Endocrine journal [Volume]69 [Issue]9 [Page]1043 -1052 (2022/) [Reviewed] Yes
[DOI] [5]. Minocycline and black thyroid.
QJM : monthly journal of the Association of Physicians [Volume]115 [Issue]6 [Page]403 -404 (2022/) [Reviewed] Yes