Institute of Photonics Medicine Division of Preeminent Bioimaging Research Biofunctional Imaging Laboratory
尾内 康臣
OUCHI Yasuomi

Last updated: 2024/12/17
Basic information on teaching staff
1995/4/- 浜松医療センター
1997/4/- ハワイ州クイーンメディカルセンター
1999/4/- 浜松医療センター
2002/4/- 浜松光医学財団
2006/4/- 2007/10/ Hamamatsu University School of Medicine
2007/11/- 2011/3/ Hamamatsu University School of Medicine
2011/4/- 浜松医科大学
Current state of research and teaching activities
Our motto is to devote ourselves to making the best of optical imaging techniques that are considered as a Hamamatsu privilege because we can collaborate with Hamamatsu Photonics KK a world leader of optical technology and to nurturing young people to make them professionals in sciences with optical imaging. With the state-of-the-art technology such as brain PET, quantitative optical spectroscopy and multimodal MRI, we continue to perform basic and clinical experiments for unraveling the pathophysiology of brain diseases, hoping that our efforts would eventually pay off in discovery of any treatment and prevention of diseases. Above all, we work energetically to tackle urgent social problems (mental illnesses in young and middle-aged adults, geriatric dementia) in this rapidly changing society with low birth rate and prolonged longevity. In these processes, we also think it important to collaborate and discuss with specialists beyond research domains. We are sure that our every effort with the Hamamatsu optical technology allows us to make human welfare and peace established sometime in the future.
Research Areas
Life Science - Neurology
Life Science - Psychiatry
Life Science - Radiological sciences
Research keywords
Neuropsychiatric disorders
Functional brain imaging
Subject of research
[1]. PET、NIRS、MRI等によるin vivo イメージング法を用いて、モデル動物やヒトを対象とした神経・精神疾患の病態解明の研究
Research activities
[1]. Brain p3-Alcβ peptide restores neuronal viability impaired by Alzheimer's amyloid β-peptide
EMBO Mol Med (2023/) [Reviewed] Yes
[2]. List-Mode PET Image Reconstruction Using Deep Image Prior
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging (2023/) [Reviewed] Yes [DOI]
[3]. Lower Availability of Mitochondrial Complex I in Anterior Cingulate Cortex in Autism: A Positron Emission Tomography Study.
The American journal of psychiatry [Page]appiajp22010014 (2022/) [Reviewed] Yes [DOI]
[4]. Toward the Development of tES- Based Telemedicine System: Insights From the Digital Transformation and Neurophysiological Evidence
Frontiers in Psychiatry Frontiers Media {SA} [Volume]13 (2022/) [Reviewed] Yes [DOI]
[5]. Cognitive Impairment in a Complex Family With AAGGG and ACAGG Repeat Expansions in RFC1 Detected by ExpansionHunter Denovo.
Neurology. Genetics [Volume]8 [Issue]3 [Page]e682 (2022/) [Reviewed] Yes [DOI]
[1]. 2023/3/ PETによる脳内ミトコンドリア機能の画像化 Clinical Neuroscience
[2]. 2023/1/ PETによるミトコンドリア機能の画像化 中外医学社
[3]. 2022/12/ 軽度認知障害の形態画像と機能画像 老年精神医学雑誌
[4]. 2021/ ニコチン受容体PETと認知機能 科学評論社
[5]. 2021/ 意志力の障害と脳病態 生体の科学(金原一郎医学財団)
Research presentations
[1]. 2023/3/4 脳分子イメージングから捉える認知症と精神疾患の共通項の病態的特徴 第26回東海ニューロイメージングカンファレンス
[2]. 2023/2/23 パーキンソン病の前頭葉機能障害は脳萎縮と相関する 第25回 ヒト脳機能マッピング研究会
[3]. 2023/2/22 PET imaging for brain homeostasis in reverse translational studies on dementia 19th International conference: Peace through Mind/Brain Science
[4]. 2023/2/ WAIS-IIIおよび許しに関する質問紙と灰白質体積の関係性―SBM解析― 第25回日本ヒト脳機能マッピング学会
[5]. 2023/1/31 A reverse translational study on dementia using MC-I PET imaging, extending to the current biomarker study 第2回Hamamatsu -MCSA Meeting
[1]. 2022/11/26 学会奨励賞
[2]. 2022/8/8 Excellent Presentation Award
[3]. 2021/9/22 NAM Accelerator Aword
[4]. 2020/10/15 Catalyst Award
[5]. 2019/7/1 Annais of Nuclear Medicine -Frequently Cited Paper Award-
Memberships of academic societies
[1]. 1989/7/1- 日本神経学会
[2]. Movement Disorder Society Japan学会
[3]. 日本内科学会
[4]. 日本脳神経核医学研究会
[5]. 日本認知症学会
Committee Career
[1]. 2015/4/1- 日本ヒト脳マッピング学会 COI委員会
[2]. 2018/4/1- 日本脳循環代謝学会 評議委員会
[3]. 2017/4/1- 日本認知症学会 評議委員会
[4]. 2016/4/1- 日本神経学会 代議委員会
[5]. 2021/4/1- 2024/3/31 日本脳循環代謝学会 日本脳循環代謝学会運営委員会
Educational activities
Allotted class
[1]. 先端基礎医学特論
[2]. 光医学の基礎と臨床応用
[3]. 光医学の基礎と臨床応用