[1]. ① Serum thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor antibody levels and thyroid dysfunction after hysterosalpingography: a case-control study.
Gynecol Endocrinol . (2021/) [Reviewed] Yes
[Repository][2]. Piezoelectric Sensor-Based Continuous Monitoring of Respiratory Rate During Sleep.
Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering (2021/) [Reviewed] Yes
[3]. Beneficial effect of l-arginine in women using assisted reproductive technologies: a small-scale randomized controlled trial.
Nutr Res. [Volume]82 [Page]67 -73 (2020/) [Reviewed] Yes
[4]. Impact of subchorionic hematoma in early pregnancy on obstetric complications: A retrospective cohort study in women who had live births after frozen-thawed embryo transfer.
Reprod Med Biol. [Volume]19 [Issue]4 [Page]398 -403 (2020/) [Reviewed] Yes
[5]. Twitterデータを用いた不妊治療患者の感情分析
日本受精着床学会雑誌 [Volume]37 [Issue]2 [Page]212 -219 (2020/) [Reviewed] Yes